articles & press

You’ve felt it…
That moment when time slows down and the world disappears, when even the sense of “you” as a separate self falls away and there is just movement, rhythm, energy, joy…
That indescribable feeling is
Why ‘Forgive and Forget’ is Not Always the Wisest Path
How fierce, outer, engaged forgiveness can complement the inner forgiveness the mindfulness community so often emphasizes.
Way of Champions Interview
In this interview with Reed Maltbie from Changing the Game Project and Dr. Amy discuss What would it look like if all your athletes were able to acknowledge, resolve, and let […]
In an enduring scene from the ultimate episode of The Last Dance, Michael Jordan is fresh off victory and still in the flow. The greatest basketball player is decked out in […]
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Meet Amy
Dr. Amy Saltzman
I am a holistic physician, mindfulness coach, long-time athlete, devoted student of transformation, author, speaker, wife, mother, fierce advocate for preventing abuse, and occasional poet.
It is a joy and privilege for me to support people of all ages in enhancing their health, experiencing joy, and finding flow (or perhaps more accurately letting flow find them).
I believe we each have unique gifts and lessons, and that connecting with the Stillness and Quietness within will allow you to find joy and flow while playing full out, fulfilling your purpose, and serving others.