Having your feelings without your feelings having you.

KEY POINTS Athletes, business people, performing artists, parents can benefit from learning to befriend their feelings. When you practice befriending your feelings, you develop emotional resilience. Emotional resilience is the […]
A Still Quiet Place: A Mindfulness Program for Children & Adolescents (Dr. Amy Saltzman)

Teaching kids stress management skills early in life will help them to grow into happy and healthy adults. And if you work with children or adolescents, you know that kids today need these skills more than ever. The pressures they face in the classroom, on the playground, in their extracurricular activities, and at home can sometimes be overwhelming. So how can you help lay the groundwork for their success?
Find Grace Amid Chaos With the P.E.A.C.E. Practice

This practice can help you cope with the stresses of daily life. KEY POINTS Are you dealing with the ordinary stresses of everyday life—work, parenting duties, bills, dishwasher repairs? Are you […]
Maintain a Positive Balance in Your Energetic Bank Account

Recommit to investing in yourself. Here’s how. KEY POINTS How are you? Really? Perhaps you are feeling great or relatively good. Or maybe the last couple of months or years […]
Let’s Talk About Your Practice: Qualities & Qualifications for Sharing Mindfulness with Youth

Last week I was completing a 10 week Still Quiet Pace course with 30 teachers from a local high school. The principal is committed to bringing mindfulness to the entire […]
Secular Mindfulness in Public Schools

Dear Friends, Even though I have been saying for years that it is essential we that ensure that our teachings in public schools meet the highest bar in terms of […]
Teaching Fellows Institute: 3 Practices for Teachers

Dr. Amy Saltzman guides us through a mindfulness practice.
Teaching Mindfulness with Integrity

In this Q+A with Catharine Hannay, founder of MindfulTeachers.org, Amy discusses best practices in sharing mindfulness with kids.