Having your feelings without your feelings having you.

KEY POINTS Athletes, business people, performing artists, parents can benefit from learning to befriend their feelings. When you practice befriending your feelings, you develop emotional resilience. Emotional resilience is the […]
It’s OK to Feel Anxious

Below is an excerpt from my book Still Quiet Place for Athletes: Mindfulness Skills for Achieving Peak Performance and Finding Flow in Sports and in Life Basic Concept: It’s Okay to Feel Anxious It is […]
Is Your Child’s Coach Demeaning (Abusive), Demanding, or Supportive?

If it’s not OK in a classroom or conference room, it’s not OK in a locker room. KEY POINTS Since the first report regarding Larry Nassar’s sexual abuse of his athlete-patients, new […]
Mindful Marathon

Finding flow from the start line to the finish line. KEY POINTS Take a few slow, deep breaths, and ask yourself “How am I feeling about tomorrow’s race?” Perhaps you […]
Find Grace Amid Chaos With the P.E.A.C.E. Practice

This practice can help you cope with the stresses of daily life. KEY POINTS Are you dealing with the ordinary stresses of everyday life—work, parenting duties, bills, dishwasher repairs? Are you […]
Maintain a Positive Balance in Your Energetic Bank Account

Recommit to investing in yourself. Here’s how. KEY POINTS How are you? Really? Perhaps you are feeling great or relatively good. Or maybe the last couple of months or years […]
Incorporate Mindfulness: Finding a Still Quiet Place with Dr. Amy Saltzman

Stress Ed – Prevention Well Before the Tracks

Our community is losing the battle against teen suicide. We are failing to create a culture, and teach life skills that help teens thrive. As an expert in treating adolescent […]
Teaching Fellows Institute: 3 Practices for Teachers

Dr. Amy Saltzman guides us through a mindfulness practice.
Teaching Fellows Institute: Session for Parents & Caregivers

Dr. Amy Saltzman discusses how parents/caregivers can incorporate mindfulness in the raising of children.