Having your feelings without your feelings having you.

KEY POINTS Athletes, business people, performing artists, parents can benefit from learning to befriend their feelings. When you practice befriending your feelings, you develop emotional resilience. Emotional resilience is the […]
Why ‘Forgive and Forget’ is Not Always the Wisest Path

How fierce, outer, engaged forgiveness can complement the inner forgiveness the mindfulness community so often emphasizes.
Does Your Child Feel Supported or Pressured?

The only way to know how your child feels is to ask. This post focuses on healthy adult-child relationships within the context of youth sports, but the principles apply to […]
Maintain a Positive Balance in Your Energetic Bank Account

Recommit to investing in yourself. Here’s how. KEY POINTS How are you? Really? Perhaps you are feeling great or relatively good. Or maybe the last couple of months or years […]
Way of Champions Interview

In this interview with Reed Maltbie from Changing the Game Project and Dr. Amy discuss What would it look like if all your athletes were able to acknowledge, resolve, and let […]
How mindfulness training quietly gives elite athletes an edge

In an enduring scene from the ultimate episode of The Last Dance, Michael Jordan is fresh off victory and still in the flow. The greatest basketball player is decked out in […]